
RECIPE 2 | Codfish croquettes with dill-mayonnaise

Want to surprise your friends this weekend with a tasty aperitif? Today within our column “Cinque Quinti in cucina con… Velia Piade Vini & Affini” we propose…a delicious basket of codfish croquettes with dill-mayonnaise.

Ingredients for 15 croquettes:

  • 250 gr of codfish desalted and mollified
  • 100 gr of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 coffee spoon of yeast (for instant leavening)
  • Some mixed fresh herbs like chive, mint, thyme and oregano
  • A small piece of garlic (you can avoid it if you don’t like it)
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper

Ingredients for the dill-mayonnaise:

  • 1 fresh egg (ambient temperature)
  • 1 coffee spoon of dill finely cut
  • 250 ml of sunflower oil
  • Juice of 1 and a half lemon
  • A small piece of garlic (also here if you don’t like it don’t add it, but we suggest it :))
  • Salt

Now find out how to prepare this perfect meal, continue to read all the procedure to obtain golden and crunchy croquettes.

STEP 1: for this recipe you will have to start few days before your event or dinner as the codfish requires a longer preparation time. 3 days before you need the meal, immerse the codfish into cold water and remember to change the water twice a day. Repeat the procedure for 3 days indeed.

STEP 2: take the codfish desalted and mollified and cook it into boiling water until is soft. Turn it off and let it cool it down into its own water. While the codfish is cooling down, let’s prepare the mayonnaise.

STEP 3: break an egg into a tall and thin glass. Add the lemon juice, salt and the garlic and dill finely cut. Take you immersione blender and start to blend everything together adding a little at the time the oil. Continue to blend until the desired solidity is reached. The 250 ml of oil are the tarting point, so if you would like a more solid sauce you can add some more. It depends on your taste. Put the mayonnaise to rest in the fridge.

STEP 4: let’s go back to the codfish that will be now cold, remove the skin and any fishbone, crumble it casually and put it aside. Break an egg into a bowl and add the flour, the yeast, salt, pepper, the fresh herbs and the garlic finely cut and start to stir everything together with a fork to form the batter. Add the water will mixing until it has the right texture and has no lumps (it doesn’t have to be too liquid).

STEP 5: take a pan and add some oil to fry our batter and heat it. Add the crumbled codfish to the batter, then with the help of a spoon pick some batter and codfish and pur it into the hot oil (be careful of the spurts). Fry not too many croquettes at the time to avoid them to attach to each other. Cook until golden.

STEP 6: put the croquettes onto some blotting paper. Now is time to take your Dedalo bottle, pour a good glass of our new entry and taste this amazing dish! Serve the codfish croquettes with dill-mayonnaise really hot accompanied by a glass of our white wine.

Next recipe Thursday 5th of July to continue your summer in the kitchen!

If you missed our first e-book containing 8 recipes to be combined with our Red Wine you can download it HERE!

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